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Personal tutor agency established in Bath since 1971. Private home tuition covering a comprehensive range of subjects and disciplines, from pre-GCSE up to degree level. Local specialists serving Bath, Bristol and the South West region of the UK. Also providing business training services.
Descover the ideal balance between exercise and nutrition to give you your ideal health and wellness. With Equilibrium Health & Wellness Solutions you can learn how to Look Great, Feel Great and Live Longer. Book a free Consultation.
Fantastic marquees available to hire for weddings, parties and corporate events throughout the Bristol area. Frame marquees and pole tents availabe. Chippenham based with full marquee hire, furniture hire and event hire services available.
Offers training, consultancy and qualifications in company finance and payroll areas. Locations: St George 0117 939 6279
Pebble dashing, sparring, rendering, all exterior work.
Dog walking and Overnight Pet Sitting Service
We've been organising stag weekends in Bristol for years now and have come up with some great offers. Wide range of activities - from paintball to rock climbing over 42 to be exact. Telephone 01225 350075 Bristol Stag Weekends, Stag Weekends Bristol
Red Button Media is a Bristol based video production company that provides high quality yet cost effective video and photography solutions with local and nationwide coverage. Utilising the XDCAM HD filming and editing format as minimum standard requirement.
bsmart installations is an established and well respected kitchen and bathroom installation company based in bristol. bsmart provides the complete kitchen and bathroom installation service from initial design and advise on layout through to building works,home automation,interior door hanging,tiling, carpentry,joinery,electrics and plumbing online quotation instanly available.
RENT has single-handedly reinvigorated the Broadway musical and taken America by storm. Sweeping all the major theatre awards including the Pulitzer price for Drama, as well as four 1996 Tony awards, RENT captures the heart and spirit of a generation, reflecting it onstage through the emotion of its stirring words and music. email
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